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百富策略白菜网Abdelwahid Mellouki团队博士后招聘
作者:   时间:2024-01-26   点击数:


一、 团队简介


Abdelwahid Mellouki法国国家科学中心(CNRS)燃烧与环境研究所(ICARE)一级主任研究员、百富策略白菜网特聘教授。Mellouki教授主要从事于大气化学、空气污染、空气质量和气候变化等领域的研究,包括人为源和生物源含碳物种的大气氧化机制和卤素化学。Mellouki授主持和参与了一系列欧盟和法国科技部资助项目,包括欧盟框架计划和地平线计划。截止目前,Mellouki教授在国际著名学术期刊ScienceChemical ReviewsAtmospheric Chemistry and PhysicsACP)、Environmental Science & TechnologyES&T)、Journal of Geophysical ResearchJGR)等发表论文220余篇,被引频次超过6300H-index44,出版学术专著8部。其目前正担任著名学术期刊JGR Atmospheres副主编,亦是世界气象组织(WMO)和联合国环境规划署(UNEP)官方报告的起草人之一。

二、 招收条件

1. 具有环境科学与工程、大气科学等相关专业博士学位,大气化学或大气环境方向,近3年或即将在国内外高水平大学或科研机构获得博士学位,博士期间研究成果突出,年龄不超过35周岁;

2. 具有模型模拟、烟雾箱和流动管实验相关研究经验者优先;

3. 具有较高的科研能力和科研水平,在本领域主流SCI刊物上发表论文2篇以上;

4. 身心健康,思想品质优秀,工作态度认真,有良好的团队协作精神,工作勤奋主动、严谨负责,能独立或指导研究生开展相关实验。

三、 研究方向

1. 基于大型光化学模拟舱的大气化学反应机制研究

2. 基于外场观测的大气含氮化合物溯源

3. 机器学习在大气化学中的应用

四、 职责和待遇

1. 独立或者协助指导研究生开展研究工作;协助导师或者独立申请相关科研项目;工作优秀者可以派到导师国外课题组开展科研

2. 工资待遇:根据个人经历和工作业绩,可以申请百富策略白菜网不同层次的博士后薪资待遇;其中特别资助类年薪不低于30万(税前),重点资助类年薪不低于20万(税前),项目类资助类年薪不低于12万(税前)。青岛市额外发放博士后生活资助每年8.4-15.6万;博士后出站留在青岛就业且落户,享受25-40万安家补贴(以青岛市具体政策为准);

3. 社会保险和公积金:学校与统招博士后签订博士后工作协议,为中国籍博士后按照在职教师同等标准缴纳社会保险和住房公积金;为外籍及港澳台博士后购买商业医疗保险;

4. 学校租房补贴:聘期内学校可为符合条件的人选提供博士后公寓优惠租住。不租住博士后公寓且学校驻地无房产的统招博士后,享受每月800元租房补贴,最长不超过24个月;

5. 支持在站博士后申请国家自然科学青年基金、山东省博士后创新专项基金等项目;

6. 学校提供优质的医疗保健服务和子女基础教育服务;

五、 应聘材料

1. 个人简历(应包括学习和工作经历、已发表的科研论文列表、所获荣誉奖励、照片、联系方式等)

2. 学历或学籍/资格证书/获奖证书复印件;

3. 代表性论文全文(3篇以内);

4. 两位专家的邮箱或者其他联系方式,其中一个为博士导师。

六、 联系方式


联系人:Abdelwahid Mellouki (mellouki@cnrs-orleans.fr)

 任延刚 (ygren@rcees.ac.cn


Job Posting

1. Team Profile

The Institute of Environmental Research at Shandong University was established by the renowned environmental scientist in China, Academician Wang Wenxing. The institute's research team focused on atmospheric environment chemistry has emerged as a significant research force in the field of atmospheric environment research both in China and abroad. The Environmental Research Institute is equipped with advanced scientific research facilities and top-notch hardware facilities. It is situated in the heart of Qingdao Blue Silicon Valley, surrounded by scenic mountains and seas.

Abdelwahid Mellouki is a chief researcher at the Institut de Combustion, Aérothermique, Réactivité et Environnement (ICARE) of French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS). He is also a distinguished professor at Shandong University. Prof. Mellouki's research focuses on atmospheric chemistry, air pollution, air quality, and climate change. He studies atmospheric oxidation mechanisms and halogen chemistry of both anthropogenic and biotic carbonaceous species. He has led and participated in several EU and French Ministry of Science and Technology funded projects, including the EU Framework Programme and the Horizon2020 Project. Prof. Mellouki has published more than 220 papers such as Science, Chemical Reviews, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP), Environmental Science & Technology (ES&T), Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR), etc. His publications have been cited more than 6300 times, with an H-index of 44. He has also published eight books/chapters. Currently, he serves as an associate editor of JGR Atmospheres. Prof. Mellouki is one of the authors of the official reports of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

2. Enrollment Requirements

1. Individuals who have completed a PhD in majors related to environmental science and engineering, atmospheric science and other related majors, and have obtained a doctoral degree within the past three years or are about to obtain one from reputable universities or scientific research institutions, the age is not more than 35 years old;

2. Experience in model simulation, atmospheric simulation chamber and flow tube experiments is preferred;

3. Within high level of scientific research ability and have published more than 2 SCI papers in this field.

4. Excellent physical and mental health, strong ideological quality, serious work attitude, good teamwork spirit, diligent, active, rigorous, and responsible. Able to conduct relevant experiments independently or supervise graduate students.

3. Research topics

1. Atmospheric reaction mechanism based on a large outdoor atmospheric simulation chamber;

2. Source and transfer of Nitrogen-Containing compounds in the atmosphere based on field observations;

3. Application of machine learning in atmospheric chemistry.

4. Duties and Entitlements

1. Independently or supervise graduate students to carry out research work; Assist supervisors or independently apply for relevant scientific research projects; Those who do excellent work can be sent to the supervisor's foreign research group to carry out scientific research;

2. Salary: According to personal experience and work performance, you can apply for the salary of postdoctoral fellows at different levels of Shandong University; Among them, the annual salary of special subsidies shall not be less than 300,000 yuan (before tax), the annual salary of key subsidies shall not be less than 200,000 yuan (before tax), and the annual salary of project subsidies shall not be less than 120,000 yuan (before tax). Qingdao will provide an additional postdoctoral living subsidy of 84,000-156,000 yuan per year, and postdoctoral fellows will enjoy a settlement subsidy of 25-400,000 yuan if they stay in Qingdao for employment and settle down (subject to the specific policies of Qingdao City);

3. Social insurance and provident fund: The university signs a postdoctoral work agreement with the unified recruitment of postdoctoral fellows, and pays social insurance and housing provident fund for Chinese postdoctoral fellows according to the same standards as in-service teachers; Purchase commercial medical insurance for foreign and postdoctoral fellows from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan;

4. School rental subsidy: During the employment period, the university can provide preferential rental of postdoctoral apartments for qualified candidates. Postdoctoral fellows who do not rent a postdoctoral apartment and do not have real estate in the school can enjoy a monthly rental subsidy of 800 yuan for a maximum of 24 months.

5. Support postdoctoral fellows to apply for projects such as the National Natural Science Youth Foundation of China and the Shandong Postdoctoral Innovation Special Fund;

6. The school provides quality health care services and basic education services for children.

5.  Application Materials

1. Curriculum vitae (include study and work experience, list of published scientific research papers, honors and awards, etc.);

2. Copies of academic qualifications or student status/qualification certificates/award certificates;

3. Full text of representative papers (no more than 3 papers);

4. The email address or other contact information of the two experts, one of whom is the doctoral supervisor.

6.  Contact Information

This recruitment advertisement is valid for a long time until it is full. Please send the application materials to the e-mail, and the title of the email must be consistent with the

name of the attached resume, which is unified as "postdoctoral application + name + graduation school + major".

Contact: Abdelwahid Mellouki (mellouki@cnrs-orleans.fr)

Ren Yangangygren@rcees.ac.cn

Location: Qingdao (Qingdao Campus of Shandong University) or Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences